23 Apr 2020

Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount: a review by Jasmyne Robinson

My take away from this book is that it’s 100% sales driven, meant to break down and help a salesman understand processes. Why certain things work and others don’t. This book definitely broadens the sales mind horizons from a tactical standpoint and kept my interest because of the strategic ways of understanding marketing from a sales point of view.

Key points in understanding salesman process as a whole is understanding the “sales process” from start to finish, knowing nothing comes easy there’s definitely a sales timeline in which in the event it’s rushed all efforts will fail, but on the flip side understanding that there are those one in a million sales that take zero effort which is all about the right time and right place with the right prospect.

“Salesmen who ignore the phone fail”

Building up your pipeline with a combination of social selling, in person meetings, networking, referrals, cold calling, inbound leads, and even trade shows, but especially telephone technicians are all key to the “superstar” salesman success. These top performers pay attention, “shut up”and listen to there prospects but more importantly focus on eliminating distractions by organizing and blocking out important times during the day to focus on these processes. A combination of calls, emails, crm systems even text are imperative. Knowing where when who and what to say in these tools are keys to keeping that prospect engaged.

“Rejection” is inevitable… overcoming or trying to ignore rejection doesn’t work

Do not attempt to overcome this feeling of rejection instead try to focus on trends of the “no” received. The prospect at the end of the day isn’t directly rejecting you they are rejecting the offer of what your selling. At this point it’s important to understand how your product or service will help your prospect, help them understand why they need what you have. Developing straight to the point scripts helps this process, something that is repetitive to the rejection given. Knowing when to stop beating the dead horse is important everyone doesn’t want or need what your offering.

Last but not least when you become great at what you do you nail down a pitch that is working for you and sales are rolling in this is no time to relax, this is the most imperative time to…. “attack yourself” set goals and limitation higher.

Ultimately, a salesman’s job is one of the hardest out there. There are no secrets to being the best salesman only proven processes and this book definitely helps you understand sales from a 360 view instead of just from a sales stand point.


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